The most basic input for Promoter Prediction is a DNA sequence with a minimal length of
This sequence should be stored in a FASTA file with the extension .fna or .fasta. Other formats will be ignored by the web server.
Example of a FASTA sequence: the first line is the header and all the lines below is the DNA sequence
Example of a FASTA file with 100,000 bases:
ProPr can process multiple FASTA files with multiple headers per file.
The web server is limited to
For large sequence fiels use the stand-alone version.
If a proper FASTA is uploaded, the web server will show a summery of the content. For the example above this will be:
    FASTA header: >CP000730.1
    DNA length: 99920
    GC: 32.3%
Once the FASTA is uploaded the "START ANALYSIS" button will appear showing that your input is ready to be analyzed
Optional: Annotation
An annotation file is optional but will highly improve the interpretation and visualization of the results.
The most common annotation format is the Generic Feature Format version 3: GFF3 or GFF
Example of a GFF file:
The web server will accept both file extensions; .gff or .gff3